Outsourced compliance data collection
RoHS Management Oy has a proven track record in delivering material compliance management projects. Through our partherships we can provide unlimited data collection capacity.
We have 30 years of experience in electronics industry and outstanding capability to resolve substances in electrical and electronic equipment.
RoHS Management is Greensoft partner in Europe.
Which documents are needed for your customer?
Who has time to monitor constantly changing legislation?
Is the CEO distressed to sign a document claiming that everything is in order?
Do you lose deals to your competitors?
Material compliance management gives you the ability to demonstrate that manufactured products meet applicable substance regulations.
GreenSoft data collection service has high completion rate and it covers all parts of the product: electronics (resistors, transistors, etc.), mechanics (screws, washers, hinges, etc.), and built-to-spec parts (PCB, metals, plastics, surface finish, etc.).
GreenSoft reporting system is based on Full Material Declaration (FMD) data and is therefore future-proof: you can check any prohibited substance now and in the future.
Future-proof. GreenSoft provides a powerful reporting tool that will be up-to-date with changing regulations, including ECHA SCIP database submission requirements, and conflict minerals.